Category: Meet The Band

Meet The Band is a Heavy Music Headquarters feature that spotlights new heavy metal/hard rock/heavy music artists.

Meet The Band: Voraath

The North Carolina death metal group Voraath are this week’s featured Meet The Band artist. They just released their debut …

Meet The Band: Mythologik

The Texas duo Mythologik are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their debut album is Blood In The Sky. …

Meet The Band: Brazen Tongue

The international duo Brazen Tongue step into this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their debut album is Of Crackling Embers …

Meet The Band: Mortal Wound

This week’s featured Meet The Band artist is the L.A. death metal group Mortal Wound. Their full-length debut album The …

Meet The Band: Primitive Warfare

The South Carolina black/death metal group Primitive Warfare are this week’s featured Meet The Band artist. After a demo and …

Meet The Band: Unearthly Rites

The Finnish death metal band Unearthly Rites just released their full-length debut album Ecdysis. Guitarist Santtu Markko introduces us to …

Meet The Band: Uragh

The Irish progressive group Uragh are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their full-length debut album Maelstrom has just …

Meet The Band: Tonnerre

Canadian hard rockers Tonnerre are this week’s featured Meet The Band artist. Their debut album La nuit sauvage has lyrics …

Meet The Band: Drungi

This week’s featured Meet The Band artist is the Icelandic group Drungi. Their debut album is Hamfarir Hugans. Bassist Magnús …

Meet The Band: Divided

The Belgian post metal group Divided are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. They just released their debut full-length …

Meet The Band: Omnivide

The Canadian progressive group Omnivide is in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their debut album is A Tale Of …

Meet The Band: Shock Withdrawal

The death/grind trio Shock Withdrawal are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their full-length debut album is The Dismal …

Meet The Band: Decrowned

The Finnish melodic death metal group Decrowned are this week’s featured Meet The Band artist. After a couple of EPs, …

Meet The Band: The Gems

The Gems shine brightly in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. After splitting from Thundermother, the Swedish trio formed a …

Meet The Band: Sovereign

The Norwegian death/thrash metal group Sovereign are in the Meet The Band spotlight this week. Their full-length debut is Altered …

Meet The Band: Graven Sin

The Finnish/Greek trio Graven Sin steps into the Meet The Band spotlight this week. They just released their debut album …

Meet The Band: Receiver

In this week’s Meet The Band spotlight are Receiver, who hail from Cyprus. Their debut album is Whispers Of Lore. …

Meet The Band: Sigir

This week’s featured Meet The Band artist is the Finnish melodic death metal group Sigir. Their debut album is Rainmaker. …

Meet The Band – Bacterial Husk

The Boston death/thrash metal group Bacterial Husk are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Anthropogenic Ruin is their debut …

Meet The Band: death pose

The Chicago band death pose are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. Their full-length debut Midnight Society was just …

Meet The Band: Xorsist

The Swedish death metal group Xorsist are in this week’s Meet The Band spotlight. They just released At The Somber …