Author: Mike Huck

The Progress Report: March 2024

Welcome to the March Progress Report. Interestingly enough, it took until March to get our first self-released album for review, …

The Progress Report: July 2023

Welcome to the July Progress Report. We’ve got some great variety this month, with six albums spread from post-rock to …

The Progress Report: May 2023

Welcome to the May Progress Report. The themes this month are twofold: independent releases and long albums. Four of these …

The Progress Report: March 2023

Welcome to the March Progress Report – possibly the best Progress Report in the column’s history. Not the writing – …

Mares Of Thrace Interview

After a ten year absence, Canadian sludge/doom/noise duo Mares of Thrace came back with the highly-regarded The Exile. Mike Huck …

Lux Incerta Interview

French dark metal band Lux Incerta have been around for over twenty years. Back in April they released their second …