The New Jersey post hardcore band Chasing Safety are in the spotlight for this week’s Meet The Band. They just released their sophomore album Nomad. Let’s get to know Chasing Safety.
Give us a brief history of Chasing Safety.
We are a bunch of dudes that played locally in New Jersey in separate bands and over time we slowly started joining the same band, which would end up becoming what is now Chasing Safety.
Describe the songwriting and recording process for Nomad.
Honestly, we did every song different. Usually, each member would work on different parts of different songs, then we all kind of came together to finish it. However, some of the songs we wrote from the ground up while in the studio.
How has the band’s sound progressed/evolved from your debut?
It’s progressed a lot – I’d like to think we are a lot less lame now. I’d also like to think that we’ve become more honest and mature with our sound. But then again, every band says that shit, so I guess we will see what others think.
Is there a lyrical theme or thread running through the album?
Yeah, the main theme is the fact that at the end of the day you’re alone. You’re alone to make decisions and alone to figure your life out.
What are your expectations for the album?
For people to like it, that’s what I want at least. I want people to like it enough to spend the same amount of money that they will gladly use to buy some crazy coffee or drink at a bar, on our album.
What has been your most memorable Chasing Safety live show?
We played a sick show in Michigan at the Crofoot that was sold out and had a rad crowd.
What are your upcoming show/tour plans?
We have a short run with Ice Nine Kills that kicks off at the beginning of January.
What’s the best concert you’ve attended as a fan?
I really enjoy seeing Architects live. They are always on point and their live performance sounds just like the album.
Seen any good movies or DVDs lately?
No, I feel like everything I’ve been watching lately has been trash. I just started the Flash on Netflix, though.
What’s currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Chelsea Grin’s new album is probably the most recent heavy album I’ve been jamming lately.
Anything else you’d like to mention or promote?
Make sure you head to any of our band pages and click the link to order our new album Nomad which dropped January 6th!
(interview published January 7, 2017)