This week we’re featuring the Connecticut metalcore/djent group Currents in Meet The Band. They just released their full-length debut The Place I Feel Safest. Vocalist Brian Wille and drummer Jeff Brown introduce us to their band.
Chad Bowar: Give us a brief history of Currents.
Brian Wille: Currents started around 2011 with Jeff and a whole different lineup. Over the years, people came and went through two EPs. In 2014, Chris, Ryan and Dee joined the band and then I joined in 2015. That was the point where the band started to write and make the move out-of-state. And now we’re just touring the new record and trying to see new places and get our name out to new people.
Describe the songwriting and recording process for The Place I Feel Safest.
Brian: Chris is the main songwriter for the band, so typically when we start the writing process, it’ll be Chris sending us songs he’s been working on. Once the band hears it and we all dig it, I’ll get to work on the lyrics. From that point it’s just me and Chris sending files back and forth until we both like where it’s at vocally and then we’ll get together and track a final pre-production version of the song. When it was time to record, we had about 12 songs fully fleshed out with vocals and then 20+ other songs. When we got to the studio with Andrew, we ended up taking those finished songs and touching them up; switching around parts, adding new ones and having Jeff put his spin on the drums to make it complete.
How has the band’s sound evolved from your EPs?
Jeff Brown: The band’s sound has definitely evolved over the years through band members and just maturing as musicians. The group of members we have together right now all have the same passion and vision which makes it really simple and fun to write music. We are always pushing ourselves to evolve as individuals to better ourselves and hone our craft. I think you can really hear the maturity in sound from the first two EPs to now.
How did you decide on the album title?
Brian: We had a laundry list of names for this record. It’s definitely a challenge to take 13 songs and come up with a name that fits all of them. We ended up taking the title from the eighth song, “The Place I Feel Safest.” We just thought that song and that name best fit the overall theme of the record.
How did you come to sign with SharpTone Records?
Brian: SharpTone got in contact with us a little while after we released Withered. We didn’t know too much going in, as it was all still pretty new. After getting to talk with them though, we felt like they understood what we wanted to do and where we wanted to go, and the people behind the label have an extensive track record in the industry. So knowing what we did, we went for it, and it was definitely the best move we’ve ever made.
What have the reviews and fan response to the songs you’ve released been like so far?
Brian: The response has been awesome so far. When we go out and play these new states, we have at least a couple kids come up to us nightly and tell us how they’ve heard the new stuff and really enjoy it, which is awesome. We were definitely really nervous as there’s a lot of new elements to the band on this record, but even on the internet where no one has a filter, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
What are your goals for the album?
Brian: We’re trying to stay open and positive! All we really hope to do is continue to play to new people and grow our name. This is the first introduction to our band for a lot of people, and so we want to make a strong impression and keep playing out and hitting new states.
You’re in the midst of a tour with Miss May I. What have been some of the highlights so far?
Brian: Every day has been awesome! I think the highlights so far have been seeing Hollywood and Vegas for the first time. We got to play Chain Reaction and the Whisky on this tour, and those are two legendary places steeped in music history, which was a huge honor. Yesterday though, Miss May I bought us a cake and some Kool-Aid to celebrate our record release, so I think that tops everything so far!
What are your tour plans after that?
Brian: We have another unannounced run happening in August, and then we’re hoping to do some more touring through the Fall and Winter. It all just depends on how the album does, so we’ll definitely have a better idea of where we can go pretty soon.
What has been your most memorable Currents live show or tour?
Brian: So far I think my favorite shows have been The Door in Dallas, TX and the Marquis Theater in Denver, CO. I loved the vibe in both cities and the crowds went off in both places. Looking forward to going back in the future.
What’s the first concert you went to as a fan, and what has been the best concert you’ve been to?
Brian: My first concert was Aerosmith and Motley Crue at the Comcast Theater in Connecticut when I was in 6th grade. Since then I’ve been to hundreds of shows, but any time I get to see Lights, Architects or Pvris, those the best shows.
Seen any good movies/DVDs lately?
Brian: My movie game has been awful lately. We got to see the newest Guardians of the Galaxy, but other than that, I don’t remember the last new movie I saw. I’ve been obsessed with this Eli Roth movie I saw like a year ago though called Green Inferno. It’s about these college activists who go the Amazon to protest trees being cut down and get captured by cannibals. One of the most fucked up movies I’ve seen in ages and I love it.
What’s currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Brian: The new Gideon is sick. Other than that, we’ve been bumping Humanity’s Last Breath and Miss May I’s new record! For one reason or another we typically listen to chiller music in the van, but those bands have been making the rounds pretty frequently.
Anything else you’d like to mention or promote?
Our new record The Place I Feel Safest is out now! You can grab it on iTunes, listen on Spotify or pick up a physical copy from the Sharptone merch store, one of our live shows, or at the Sharptone tent on Warped all summer long.
(interview published June 24, 2017)