Meet The Band: Steal The City

Sheffield hard rockers Steal The City are this week’s featured Meet The Band artist. Their debut album is Road To Nowhere. Vocalist/guitarist Joe Chuggy introduces us to his band.

Chad Bowar: Give us a brief history of Steal The City.
Chuggy: We are made up of childhood friends and ex band mates reunited. Myself and Ellis used to go to school together as well as forming our first tragic rock band together. Smit and James used to be in a band together for quite some time, except Smit opted for the drums rather than bass! We started Steal The City back in 2014 not knowing what we wanted or where to start. With guidance from local bands and promoters alike, we gained the hunger to perform whenever we could. Even though we still have three founding members and this ain’t the original Lineup of STC, we know that this is the best we have ever been as a band. Our album Road To Nowhere will reflect this.

Describe the songwriting process for Road To Nowhere.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a songwriter and usually this kind of thing I find quite grueling. But writing the lyrics and melody for the album came surprisingly natural. Whether it was listening to a song and immediately thinking, “I know what this needs” or coming up with lyrics and melody with nothing involved and the lads taking it and saying “oh we’ve got something for this,” our writing style always keeps things fresh. It’s nice because we keep each other on our toes and bounce off one another so naturally.

What will be your strongest memory of the recording of the album?
We recorded the album ourselves with whatever equipment we had and could afford. This involved me singing in James’s bedroom closet which we sound proofed with sponge, clothes and bedding. Already sounds sketchy as it is but throw in a blistering summer day in the mix and you’ve got a very sweaty DIY vocal booth! Also just the four of us bursting out into hysterical fits of laughter doing all the gang vocals. It should be one of the quickest processes, but put four mates in front of a mic with broken senses of humour and let chaos ensue!

What was the biggest challenge in its creation?
Like I mentioned above, we recorded the whole album ourselves. Although we pride ourselves on being a DIY band, this was the biggest challenge we’ve had to face. James is really the only one of us with musical knowledge on the production side of things so without him, we’d have fallen at the first hurdle. We all plunged into it head first but safe to say that James took the reins and guided us to something we are properly pleased with.

How would you characterise its style/sound?
What I like about us is that we don’t really aim for a particular genre. If we write something that sounds good and we like it, we roll with it. That’s why I love our debut album. We’ve got songs within the metal/metalcore genre with “Drag Me To Hell” and “Up In Smoke,” classic Dad Rock vibes with screaming solos in “Stand Together.” We even get ballad sounding with pianos and acoustics with tracks like “Knight The Unholy” and “Tomorrow’s Another Day.” I’d like the album to have something for everyone on it. It would also be amazing to be that gateway band that introduces new listeners to new styles of music too.

A lot of the songs would have made good album titles. What led you to go with Road To Nowhere?
It’s strange because I had the title for the album before any of the songs that are on the album. The concept of being on a “Road To Nowhere” has always been an idea and existed with me the entire time I’ve been in Steal The City. Will we make the big time? Who knows. Will we fail spectacularly in a great ball of fire? Anything can happen. All I know is that I get to go out on the road with three of my best mates, play our music in venues all over the place, meet new musicians and fans while having the absolute best time. We ain’t expecting to make it, but that’s not gonna stop us from putting our all into it. Even if we don’t get anywhere, at least we can look back and say, you know what, I’m fucking glad we gave that our best. No regrets and loads of memories.

What lyrical topics do you cover?
From watching Internet trolls get what they deserve when they crash and burn, to struggling with addiction to losing a loved one, to holding out your hand to someone who may be struggling. Most of the lyrical content had been taken from my own life experiences with a little bit of exaggeration to help the songs hit harder.

What led you to go the independent route?
We’ve been independent for as long as I can remember. That’s not to say we haven’t had any help at all during this time which all of it has been really appreciated. But being an independent band really does throw you in the deep end of the music industry turning it into a sink or swim learning process. We have all learned so much by doing this. Social media, setting up our own shows and tours, recording and equipment maintenance. It all adds up and strengthens your arsenal of being in a band.

What are your goals and expectations for the album?
To get it in the ears of as many people as possible and perform it everywhere we can. I’m hoping we’ve had some good luck foreshadowing as the first two singles off of Road To Nowhere have been played on Kerrang! Radio which is an incredible start. I hope this album represents the door getting booted down and presenting more opportunities for us.

How were the video shoots for “Stand Together” and “Drag Me To Hell”?
Our go to guys when it comes to filming a music video are Big Sky Creative. Their attention to detail is second to none and their ability to turn nothing into something is remarkable. The best thing is that they are also talented musicians so they relate to the process better and know what to aim for. There is a reason we keep going back to them. “Drag Me To Hell” and :Stand Together” were both filmed in our rehearsal room and studio. Our aim was to try and make the studio look like a black void of nothingness with us performing in it. It’s amazing what you can do with cheap black bed sheets! It’s always a breeze when working with the Big Sky Creative lads. No stress, always a good laugh and we get a sick finished product.

What has been your most memorable Steal The City live show?
Probably supporting Those Damn Crows in our hometown of Sheffield. We were absolutely on it performing and the crowd was incredible. The boys in TDC were so welcoming and lovely too! Definitely a career highlight for us. It was made even better as the gig was on my birthday!

What are your upcoming show/tour plans?
The big one for us is the album launch in Sheffield at Yellow Arch Studios on Friday the 27th of September. That gig is a week after the album is released so gives fans a chance to know it before seeing us play it live. We also have the Hairy Dog in Derby on Saturday the 21st of September and The Terrace Bar in Tamworth Saturday the 5th of October. Next year we’re also on the SOS Festival lineup Friday 4th of July until Sunday 6th of July 2025. There are more dates confirmed in the back but nothing we can reveal as of yet!

Sheffield has a storied musical history. How is the heavy music scene there these days?
There are so many bloody bands in Sheffield it’s unreal. It’s booming as it always has been. Sheffield is very lucky to have a variety of venues for the amount of bands it has to accommodate! If I had to name drop a band though, I’d keep an eye on Echoes Evolve. If you are after something a little more goth rock, check out IAmImperfect too.

What are some of your non-musical interests and hobbies?
If I’m not with STC, I’m usually spending time with my wife and little lad. We all really enjoy camping so we try and get out as often as we can. The camping aspect is important to me, mainly because if my lad starts taking an interest in rock and metal music, you know I’m taking him to his first festival! As well as playing in STC, I really do enjoy attending shows and festival too. They are the main reason that lit the ignition on Steal The City’s creation after all. Seeing bands perform on stage and thinking damn… I want to do that! And if I’m not doing any of that, I usually chill out watching Ghost/Paranormal videos or binge watch Anime. It’s so freakin addictive!

What’s currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Orbit Culture is on constantly for me and the lads can vouch for me on this. I got into them properly last year and just loved them. Then when Trivium announced a Sheffield show with Orbit Culture supporting, that was the fastest gig ticket I’ve ever purchased. The power of Orbit Culture live was ridiculous. Easily my favourite band at the minute. I’d go as far as saying they were the best band on the bill too. Which is mad for an opening band with Trivium and Bleed From Within on the same lineup!

Anything else you’d like to mention or promote?
Thank you to everyone who’s shown their support for Steal The City over the years and I really hope you’ll all stick with us through this new exciting chapter of our band. Please go and get our debut album Road To Nowhere and if you like it, please share it and tell everyone about it! Oh! And if you are free on Friday the 27th of September, get yourself to Sheffield and come to our album launch! We would love to see you all there and celebrate with us!

(interview published September 21, 2024)

Watch Steal The City – “Stand Together” Video

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