Category: Album Reviews

Khemmis – Hunted Review

Denver’s Khemmis gained immediate attention from doom fans around the world with the release of their impressive 2015 debut, Absolution. …

Venom Prison – Animus Review

The caustic attitude of Venom Prison’s Animus is its guiding light, violent tendencies and condemnation of humanity given through an …

Wormrot – Voices Review

Singapore’s grindcore maelstrom Wormrot return with Voices, the trio’s first full-length album since 2011’s Dirge. They did release a 5 …

Progress Report: September 2016

Welcome to September’s Progress Report, a monthly column dedicated to all forms of progressive rock. Each month we will highlight …

Truckfighters – V Review

Truckfighters have always been a bit of a stoner rock curiosity. Despite the fact that they are from Sweden, they …

Alcest – Kodama Review

French “Blackgaze” pioneering duo Alcest are back with Kodama, their fifth album. Unlike 2014’s Shelter, which featured instrumentalist/singer Neige and …

Opeth – Sorceress Review

No band created more of a stir in 2011 than Opeth. That year’s release, Heritage, had the Swedish veterans turning …

Negura Bunget – Zi Review

In 2006, Romania’s Negură Bunget released one of the all time great albums of black metal with Om. The much …